Low Budget Film Making

Summary Of Article

This article is explaining About how Low Budget films are struggling to be a success due to the fact big budget films have enough money to advertise their product to gain more awareness so people will then watch the film and spread the reviews making it a hit where as low budget films don't have enough to advertise like the big films so they are less well known and may no gain as much money from it. For example films such as trainspotting did do nearly as well at box offices as star wars due to the fact star wars had a budget of $1.3 billion compared to trainspotting who had a production budget of $3,100,000. This would also mean bigger film companies have better actors and equipment to make their films higher budget.

This article also explains That due to Netflix and Sky public broadcaster services such as ITV and BBC have upped their game. This is due to the fact less people are watching TV now and using subscription services to watch TV series and many are made on a low budget. This is why they are upping their game because they want to gain more views so BBC and ITV feel they need to spend more money on creating series so they can be seen as the better broadcasters. Shows such as the crown had a budget of 100 m compared to some items on BBC that cost much more. This is where we see low budget production become better and more popular as they are pushing higher up public broadcasters to the side and they feel under threat.

The BFI says the figure for inward production investment in TV, mostly from US companies such as Amazon, Netflix and HBO, nearly doubled from £252m in 2013 to a record of almost £500m last year (https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/may/31/hollywood-and-tv-put-the-squeeze-on-uks-low-budget-film-makers). We begin to see smaller production companines grow bigger and break records beating public service broadcasters.


  1. Excellent Amber! Well done!

    Please respond below:
    From reading this article, where do YOU think the film industry is heading?

    Miss C

    1. I feel the film industry is heading in a direction in a way where filmmakers don't need to spend as much money on films in order to make them successful which means more people have a chance to be in the film industry


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